mammybearsbooks Blog Travel 20190921


Mammy Bears Books 21 September 2019 ยท I love travel, going to new countries and experiencing a new culture, a new climate; it is all so interesting and exciting. However, compared to travel in the 19th century , it all seems quite tame! I am an avid travel reader - from Paul Theroux's works to the wonderful illustrated books with Michael Palin. I recently came across a series of travel books published by Heron in the 1970's - they are reprints of various explorers travels in the 19th century ranging from Africa to Antartica and most places in between. I have read most of them and my favourites are "Travels in the Interior of Africa" by Mungo Park, "South" by Sir Ernest Shakelton, "Unbeaten Tracks in Japan" by Isabella Bird, "Travel in Tartary and Tibet" by Abbe Huc and last but not least "Narrative of a Pilgramage to El-Medinah and Meccah" by Richard F Burton - famous for his translation of the"Arabian Nights". All the travel books have a lovely faux leather blue cover decorated with gilt edging, so they are not only interesting but look smashing on your bookshelf Take a peek at

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