mammybearsbooks Blog Joan_Walsh_Anglund 20191008


Mammy Bears Books 8 October 2019 ยท Here I am, back on my favourite theme...beautifully illustrated books. Joan Walsh Anglund is a wonderful artist from the USA, famous all over the world for her beautiful poetry as well as her marvellous illustrations. Most folks know her by her themes of love and friendship. She has, however, written and illustrated emotive books about childhood, my personal favourite being " Look Out The Window". Sharing pictures of two of her wonderful children's stories being a Mother Goose ABC- "In a Pumpkin Shell" and "Cowboy & His Friend", aren't the covers just magic! . This inspirational lady was born in January 1926 and according to 'wikipedia' at 2014 she had sold 45 million books worldwide...what an achievement. At 93 years of age she is still going strong
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