mammybearsbooks Blog Christmas_Themed_Books-I 20191207


Mammy Bears Books 7 December 2019 ยท Well it's that time of year of my favourite times...Christmas! Having lived in both England, where there is often a "white christmas" and Queensland Australia, where there is intense heat and no whiteness at all (apart from our beach sand)...I can honestly say it makes no difference. The joy of Christmas seems to be a universal. Christmas themed books abound, from 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens to 'The Christmas Book' by Dick Bruna. One of my all time favourites is 'The Father Christmas Letters' by JRR Tolkein, a collection of illustrated letters he wrote for his young children 🙂 Ofcourse, Santa can be rather a cross patch - see Raymond Brigg's 'Father Christmas', it will make you smile. There are some excellent folklore books around covering the origins of Santa Claus, a very interesting book is called, funnily enough,'Santa Claus' by Reginal Nettel. Sometimes a Christmas themed book makes a wonderful gift...I have mentioned just a few, if your interest is piqued, check out my website at HO HO HO....

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