mammybearsbooks Blog Classics 20200528


Mammy Bears Books 28 May ยท Ever wonder why a book becomes a "Classic"? Here is one definition of a classic novel that I very much agree with :- "A classic usually expresses some artistic quality—an expression of life, truth, and beauty. A classic stands the test of time. The work is usually considered to be a representation of the period in which it was written, and the work merits lasting recognition. In other words, if the book was published in the recent past, the work is not a classic. A classic has a certain universal appeal. Great works of literature touch us to our very core beings—partly because they integrate themes that are understood by readers from a wide range of backgrounds and levels of experience. Themes of love, hate, death, life, and faith touch upon some of our most basic emotional responses. A classic makes connections. You can study a classic and discover influences from other writers and other great works of literature." by Esther Lombardi, ThoughtCo. Having just re-read Nicholas Nickleby by Charles Dickens, I would say that they have a timeless appeal as they deal with people and how they interact with each other, and although the times have changed people, basically, have not. The historical element is always very interesting, but it is the characters that move the reader. In this lo-o-o-ong lockdown, try a classic, reading some of the everyday trials undergone by our forefathers may make our pandemic seem, maybe, not so bad.
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