mammybearsbooks Blog Crafts_and_Hobbies-I 20201018


On the subject of Craft and Hobbies... Who loves creating toys and dolls for themselves, children and grandchildren, I know I do. There are so many wonderful books on this subject from creating hand puppets to fashioning toys from the world of Alice In Wonderland and Kate Greenaway to creating your own doll fashionista with an entire wardrobe! So many times, when my children were young, I tried to find non mass market toys, to help feed their come up with stories and adventures for their toys that they had created. Not too easy a thing do find. I stumbled across some vintage books on various toy craft and a whole new world of creativity opened up. So, if you are craftily inclined, and love toys and/or dolls, have a look at the books on this blog and check out the Craft Hobbies Home sub-category at it may inspire you...I know your kids will love the creations
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